Alissa Clark makes cool heart mugs and bowls. All kinds of wonderfully handcrafted pottery art. She is visiting from Florence, Oregon this weekend at the Lithia Artisans Market of Ashland, Oregon.

I am so inspired by the folks who have hunkered down and shown commitment to their local artisans market.  These wildfires have been intense. You all keep showing up and that makes me smile. 33 artisans are signed up to participate this upcoming weekend. That’s a pretty full house.

Open this Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 11-5

Lynn Powell and Buck Garrett make hand-cut stone jewelry. This piece is Oregon Opal cut from a thunderegg.

As manager of the artisans market I would also like to send warm regards to our farmers market friends who continue to show up and sell their veggies, fruits, and sundry good stuff for us to eat and drink. Thank you! We are all in this together.

Keep on thinking those good cleansing thoughts. Let’s see if some low pressure can push this smoke outta the valley for a little reprieve. As of this moment I can see a smidgen of Grizzly Mountain out my back door. I hope to see the whole mountain for the weekend. That would sure be nice.

This weekend you will discover color, art, beauty, music, and handcrafted goodness made by your local artisan community. Everyone you encounter selling is the maker of the items you are beholding. That is pretty darn cool!

This weekend we also welcome a new musical ensemble featuring an old friend and a new one. Danny Sherrill will be debuting a new musical duo with his friend Abi Wilensky on violin. We look forward to what Danny is up to outside of his normal duo, Hollis Peach.

Danny Sherrill, singer-songwriter, plays at the Lithia Artisans Market Ashland, Oregon. This is a flashback moment when Dan played the Green Show with Patchy Sanders. Many moons ago…

Music Schedule

Saturday, August 25

11:30-130     Son Ravello

2:30-4:30     Daniel Sherrill and Abi Wilenski

Sunday, August 26

11:30-1:30     Cole Cullen

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