Leah Fairbanks is a lampworked glass maker. She will be at the upcoming Briscoe ArtWing Holiday Market. Saturdays 10-6 and Sundays 11-5.
The Briscoe ArtWing Holiday Market takes place every weekend in the month of December. 40 artisans are showing every weekend.
Saturdays 10-6
Sundays 11-5
The event features the artists of the Lithia Artisans Market and many more. The event is located at the old Briscoe Elementary School on the corner of North Main and Laurel Street in Ashland. FREE ADMISSION.
You will discover all kinds of wonderful gift items at this years event… handcrafted jewelry, woodwork, hats, candles, honey, jams, lampworked glass, pottery, fine art, photography, and much more.

Dave Summers of The Leather Vine showing a leather handbag. Weekends at the Briscoe ArtWing Holiday Market.
~40 Artisans plying their wares.
~Live music throughout the weekend.
~Complimentary snacks and drinks.
~Do-It-Yourself Gift Wrapping Station,.
~Raffle Drawing for a $50 Gift Certificate every Sunday afternoon.
This show is a win-win no matter how you slice it. 4% of all sales goes to the ArtWing and the Ashland School District. The ArtWing continues in its mission to create affordable artist studios, and enhance the art education realm in the city of Ashland. The ArtWing has been in existence for 13 years and continues to be a model for use of public space. Briscoe School and the playground have been maintained as public space while utilizing the space for art and continued education.
When you spend your hard earned dollars at the Holiday Market you are putting money directly into the hands of your friends and neighbors who, in turn, use that money locally to buy groceries, necessities, and the occasional meal out or entertainment. Money spent directly, locally is typically spent over and over an average of 7 times in the local economy. Compare that to buying from Amazon. Your money goes out of the local system and does not recycle within the Ashland area. Spread your money around, spend your money locally as often as you can. It feels good to know your purchasing power is empowering your local economy.
Music Schedule
Saturday, Dec. 9
11:30-1:30 Gene Burnett
2:30-4:30 Accapellare
Sunday, Dec. 3
12:00-2:00 Doug Warner
3:00-5:00 Brothers Reed