This is the Ashland Chamber of Commerce Ad for 2018 featuring Marcella’s Silk.

The plan is to have a market this upcoming weekend, March 24 and 25. However, let’s be honest, the weather is sure looking questionable.  Saturday morning we will assess the situation. If market closes for the day due to crummy weather, we will post about the closing on our facebook page…. Saturday looks iffy, Sunday looks much better. Stay tuned for more details and updates. No news is good news.

This year spring is coming in wet and cold. Hopefully the February sun we enjoyed during winter will make its way back to us. Until then, we are grateful for the rain and snow in the mountains. We need it.

Big shout out to one of our local artists. Woodworker extraordinaire, Larry Shinerock, took on the volunteer task of repainting and refinishing our signs. They look better than new! Big thanks to Larry and all the volunteers within our organization that make everything run smoothly. You are all very appreciated.

Hollis Peach featuring Jacqui and Danny will be playing tunes for us this weekend at the Lithia Artisans Market of Ashland (LAMA).

Music Schedule (weather permitting)

Saturday, March 24

12:00-2:00     Hollis Peach

2:30-4:30     Green Mountain Guild

Sunday, March 25

To Be Announced


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