The cover of our new Souvenir Booklet. At the printer now, out by late next week.

The cover of our new Souvenir Booklet. At the printer now, out by late next week.

Over 50 artisans will be showing at the market this upcoming weekend. Our biggest market of the season, one of our biggest showings in years. Every nook and cranny of Calle Guanajuato will be full of handmade goodness. Even the city parking lot adjacent to the market, affectionately known as The Village, will be full of colorful booths. This weekend you will find jewelry, woodwork, photography, fine art, pottery, leather work, stone carvings, copper work, up-cycled clothing, hemp clothing, pressed flowers, folk art, body care products and so much more.

Our Souvenir Booklet is at the printer. We should have them in our hands by the first weekend in June. They are beautiful! Just take a look at that cover featuring the glass bead craftsmanship of Leah Fairbanks. The market owes a huge thanks to Holly Gonnella. Holly helped the artisans create colorful ads and made sure everything looked great before it went to our graphics designer. Another huge thanks to John Higley of Higley Designs here in Ashland. John did all the layout on this project and his professionalism shines throughout. This 36 page booklet is chalk full of wonderful art images, an awesome illustrated map by Dimitiri Kalemkeris, and articles and images by Rachel Fisher and yours truly, Marcus Scott. The entire group worked in seamless coordination on this project. Can’t wait to show them to you and distribute them around Ashland.

The weather looks great for this upcoming Memorial Day Weekend. It is a wonderful time to get out and about and support your local artisans market.

Son Ravello (aka Mysha Caruso) will be playing live music for us this coming Saturday afternoon at the Lithia Artisans Market of Ashland.

Son Ravello (aka Mysha Caruso) will be playing live music for us this coming Saturday afternoon at the Lithia Artisans Market of Ashland.

Music Schedule

Saturday, May 28

11:30-1:30     Rod Petrone

2:30-4:30     Son Ravello

Sunday, May 29

11:30-1:30     Katie Buttermore and Monica Smith



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