Steve McLaren, Copper Smith, is a long time member of the Lithia Artisans Market of Ashland, Oregon.

Steve McLaren, Copper-Smith, is a long time member of the Lithia Artisans Market of Ashland, Oregon.

They are calling for rain tomorrow, but we will see about that. 40 artisans are signed up for the weekend. So often they call for rain and we have beautiful days. Let’s rejoice as we count down the days left in the market season. Wow, only 6 total days left in the outdoor market season. Starting this weekend the market will end at 5:00 on Saturdays, instead of 6:00, as the days are getting shorter. The last day of the outdoor market is Sunday, November 1st, the day after Halloween, the Day of the Dead. Kinda cool. This coming weekend we are once again full of remarkable art and craft… jewelry, woodwork, pottery, fine art, photography, and clothing of all kinds — mittens, hats, and sweaters to keep you warm as winter approaches. In between the raindrops come out and stroll the Calle Guanajuato and visit this unique market along the creek.

Featured in the photo above is copper-smith and artist Steve McLaren. Steve has been an active, full time member of the Lithia Artisans Market of over a decade. He works with copper, recycling old scrap chunks he gets from a local metal recycling facility. Cutting with a torch, forming with hammers, and creating a patina on the metal with the heat of the torch, Steve creates iconic, timeless images. He also has a fabulous line of copper earrings, and makes really cool copper sorting bowls. Swing by and see Steve this weekend along with the 40 other artisans whose booths meander along the creek behind the plaza in downtown Ashland, Oregon.

The Lithia Artisans Christmas Fair is just around the corner, taking place Thanksgiving weekend at the Historic Ashland Armory, November 27, 28, and 29. Application are available online for current Lithia Artisans Market members… click here now. Lots more details will be provided as we near the show date. Needless to say, the Christmas Fair, now in its 15th season, is a remarkable event. The artisans are at their best for this annual tradition in Ashland — a showcase of fine craftmanship. Stay tuned.

Doug Warner sings the blues at the Lithia Artisans Market of Ashland, Oregon. Playing this coming Saturday from 11:30-1:30.

Doug Warner sings the blues at the Lithia Artisans Market of Ashland, Oregon. Playing this coming Saturday from 11:30-1:30.

Music Schedule

Saturday, October 17

11:30-1:30     Doug Warner

2:30-4:30     The Brothers Reed

Sunday, October 18

11:30-1:30     Son Revello

2:30-4:30     Sunny Erickson


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