We are here! The Lithia Artisans OUTDOOR Market of Ashland, Oregon is open for business this weekend. You will likely see a face-mask clad group this weekend if the air conditions don’t change. As I write this the Air Quallity Index shows 199. One tick from Very Unhealthy, we are sitting right on the edge.
It is getting a bit redundant to say it, but the smoke in our air is aweful and it affects us all. I won’t candy coat it for you. The best thing I have found is to mask up and face it, head on. The market will assess the conditions in the morning to determine closing times. We will close early if the conditions persist unchanged. With that said, think clean thoughts of blue skies. The air quality can change with wind patterns.
This weekend 36 local artisans are signed up to showcase their creations at the market. This is a tight knit group, a family of artisans. With that said, supporting local art, craft, and live music is ever important when we are confronted by challenging times. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Prayers, good thoughts, and concern for each other go a whole long way these days.
Big huge thank you to those out battling these fires. We all appreciate your Herculean efforts.
Music Schedule
Saturday, August 11
11:30-1:30 Brother Angus
Sunday, August 12
11:30-1:30 Hollis Peach