
June 2 and 3 at Lithia Artisans Market

Summer is just around the corner, it's heating up this weekend. 44 total artists and crafty folk are showing over the course of this upcoming weekend. They're forecasting upper 80's for high temperatures this Saturday. Just across the walking bridge from the market is...

May 19 and 20 at Lithia Artisans Market

Another full house at the Lithia Artisans Market. Our biggest show of the 2018 season. 41 artisans are signed up to show their wares this upcoming weekend. We are almost at capacity and the season is still young. Saturdays 10-6 Sundays 11-5 We are very excited to...

May 5 and 6 at Lithia Artisans Market

We are excited to announce our largest market so far of the 2018 season. 37 artisans will be plying their wares this upcoming weekend at the Lithia Artisans Market. Discover artfully crafted items created by local hands. SATURDAYS 10-6 SUNDAYS 11-5 Located on Calle...

End of April at Lithia Artisans Market

April came in wet and it looks to be going out the same way. The forecast is for showers on Saturday, but it looks as though we will have a market. Die-hard artisans.  As of now we have 26 artists signed up to participate this upcoming weekend. This weekend you will...

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